Our solutions

Discover all Groupe Lp solutions


Publish content on your Web site using an intuitive and powerful interface.

Flexible and easy to use, with this CMS you will be able to quickly build your pages, with complete freedom in the presentation of the site.


Transform your PDF documents into interactive publications.

Your brochure is automatically converted so that it can be consulted anywhere (PC, mobile tablets, CD Rom, USB key, etc.).


Generates quizzes with ease, for presentation on your Internet or Intranet site.

Suitable for all situations, with this tool you can in a completely independent way, manage pedagogical quizzes, for knowledge validation, or quizzes with a promotional purpose.


Manage your e-mail and newsletter campaigns with perfect ease.

Simple to use, EasyMailing™ is designed for you to be able to easily send out your newsletters and e-mail, and to efficiently monitor the progress of your campaigns.


Create a WebTV that reflects your identity, using its player and library of integrated modules.

Our webTV management solution offers you the possibility of associating the flexibility of a modern CMS with WebTV.


This is the first French Open Source multimedia player.

Audio-images-video, accessible, upgradeable, it reads all types of media and can be used to create customised graphics.


Put customised games on line in the colours of your brand.

Developed around the visual identity of your brand, BrandGames™ are interactive games inserted directly into your site, thus becoming great tools for on-line promotion, which can be used to create valid databases.